Need to compile Master Branch of NavCoin-Core?

Need to compile NavCoin-Core but don’t know exactly how?

All you need are the following:

NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, my example will be using an Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Box

Step 1

Install things we need, mainly Git and build-essential.

sudo apt install git build-essential

We need Git to clone the source and build-essential alias package on Ubuntu to install our build toolchain.

Step 2

Clone the code from NavCoin-Core github repository.

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Move your working directory to the cloned dir
cd navcoin-core

# Checkout the branch/tag/commit you wanna build
git checkout master

OR you can update the code if you already have it cloned.

# Move your working directory to an existing clone
cd navcoin-core

# Checkout the branch/tag/commit you wanna build
git checkout master

# Just pull the code changes
git pull

Step 3

Compile required dependencies.

cd ./depends

Step 4

Create and run the ./configure script.

# Assuming your working directory is still in `./depends` from last commands
cd ..

# Create the `./configure` script

# Run the `./configure` script and use the dependencies that we compiled in Step 3
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/depends/`uname -m`-pc-linux-gnu

Step 5

Compile NavCoin-Core itself.



Once you have followed this tutorial, you should have a binary in ./src/qt/navcoin-qt that is the NavCoin-Core QT wallet/client.

You should also have a binary in ./src/navcoind which is the NavCoin-Core daemon wallet/client.

Things to keep in mind